Thursday, October 18, 2007

New Babies

The title might be a little weird, but these are my new babies (see 3 new pics in archive). The first is me climbing aboard 'Other Baby', my new 55 hp tractor parked about half way along the driveway. In the upper left hand corner can be seen the tail end of the Suzuki stationwagon. The second pic shows tractor and again in upper left hand side now can be seen (partially) the lettuce beds. Third picture is of Sucki - my new other baby! She's digging into turkey from Thanksgiving Dinner. A lot has been happening in the past little while, but I haven't time to record it all right now. The weather is clear this morning and I must really be out doing work (ploughing and carpenter type). The extension is slowly coming along and I'll have new pics and post shortly. Farming activity is just as intense, especially since the new tractor. Again, I'll try to have more pics in the next post. Now I must get outside and do some work. Take care and hug someone today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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