Monday, June 25, 2007

Start of another week

Before I go any further there are a few apologies that must be said. First-sorry there have been no entries the past few days. It seems I must have done something to the computer when I tried to adjust my security settings. I wasn't able to make any postings until I returned my settings back to the originals. The second is not really an apology but rather a kind of kick myself in the behind routine. Seems I totally missed the boat on the p-d-g thingy. Just goes to show, you should never eavesdrop. Ah well, let's get on with what's happened over the weekend.

On Saturday I discovered that grubs had eaten all the cucumbers so I had to go buy new seedlings. It would take too long for me to start new plants. When I planted them I used row cover and also set beer traps. Beer traps are bowls of beer placed near the plants. Supposedly the grubs try to drink the beer and drown. Something seems to be working as today I still have the cucumbers. I haven't dared lift the cover to check the traps. I don't remember what else I did on Saturday.

Yesterday I worked on Philip's tractor and seem to have been able to make it work a little better. Philip is Philip of Philip and Julie. The live up the road from me and have a horse and chickens along with their farming activities. I spent some time also helping prepare for the arrival of their new cow. Which actually is a bull, not a cow. I agreed to buy the meat from this animal in the fall, if they decide this is what they want to do. Oh just remembered. Sometime over the weekend I weeded(sort of) the garden. There are still many weeds, but I'm not so concerned about the ones between the rows.

Today I had to replace the brocolli. The grubs destroyed them last night. I also figured out how to use the digital camera and will try to post a picture today if I can do it. I'll only include one picture in this post as it may slow downloads if I post more. I will include more pictures in other posts. Let's see if I can get a picture to go here. Well, it seems some more research must be done. I can't seem to get the picture from Adobe Photoshop accepted on this blog. Sorry!! I'll just have to read the instructions I suppose. Better luck next time. Just remembered, I also mounted my ship's bell outside the front door. Today I purchased a sewing machine (computerized), a knitting machine and a serger. Tomorrow I have to arrange the delivery of same along with the loom and a truck load of various wools, etc. I still don't understand why I've bought these things. I don't know how to use them. Well something to do over the winter I suppose.

I'm turnt now. I really wanted to post a picture. Must go learn how to do it. Till next time - take care, best wishes and enjoy what gifts you've been given.

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