Friday, July 6, 2007

Friday again

Hard to believe, but another week has past and I'm sitting here now thinking what I should put in today's posting. There's a lot I'd like to say, but it might cause strive and so... discretion is probably the better way to go. Therefore I'll keep some thoughts to myself. And really!!! how some people run their lives is not completely any of my business. Just because I try to be honest, caring, giving, fair, self sacrificing, etc. etc. etc is no reason I should take umbrage to others that aren't quite so the same. Just do my own thing and let others do theirs.

Now, on to today. Warm temperature but just teaming with rain. I spent the morning doing paperwork and after a bit of grocery shopping around lunchtime I shifted things around in the kitchen in anticipation of moving the new stove in. There is still a bit of work to do before that happens, but at least there is now some space.

I have been contemplating what other things I can add to the blog to make it more interesting for readers, but don't want to weigh it down with blabber. Maybe a receipt thrown in here and there? Some more pics for the archive..... probably! Anyway, that's it for today. Take care of yourself and until next time - Best Wishes.

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