Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Sorry I missed Monday

Was up at 5:00 am yesterday to go drill water wells, but was back home by 9:30 am. The weather was really foul so we only went and checked out sites for future jobs. Because of the weather I stayed inside and was able to do a bit more on the floor leveller, was also able to catch up a bit on paper work. There's still a ton of stuff to do. I'm sure if I had a month of Sundays I'd never complete all the work! Ah well, little by little things are getting accomplished.

It appears as though today will be quite nice. I've determined to go to town for deliveries and if I get back in time plan to seed for another (fall) crop of lettuces. I must also try to find someone with a bulldozer, today, to come do the driveway. The fellow that was supposed to do it has never shown up. Several days ago I said "Where are the capelin?" For people that are not Newfoundlanders, I should explain that these are small fish that normally come swarming onto our beaches in spring or early summer. It is an incredible phenomena to witness and too hard (lengthy) to explain/describe. You really have to see it to believe it. I mentioned this because the capelin haven't appeared yet even though we have been having capelin weather! Actually, I don't know why I'm saying all this, as I'm not sure if anyone is reading the blog. Ah well, I suppose it is a venue for my ranting. In case anyone local does read this, could you please save those styrofoam trays that meat come on. I re-use them to put under zuchini and melons to keep them off the ground. Here's an environmental friendly way to keep them out of landfills and saves me buying more. If you have any please let me know and I'll pick them up, or you can come by and get some veggies as you drop them off. Please remember to rinse them off under the tap before you store or move them though. Meat juices can carry bugs (diseases. etc) and will become smelly if left on the trays.

If anyone does read this blog, PLEASE let me know, or give me some feedback on what you'd like me to post. I will try to do my best. That's it for today. I must go harvest some stuff, get cleaned/dressed and do a day's work. Take care and wishing you a super day. Bye

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