Thursday, July 19, 2007


Its pouring rain outside so I've got a bit of time to do some inside work. Sorted through pieces of the sewing and knitting stuff. May attempt to install the new faucets for the bath tub later. Have finally admitted to myself (though I've hinted about it previously) that I desperately need help. I just can't do all the things that need (and I want to get) done. I've been neglecting the food operations, the fabric/clothing business, home renovations, the restaurant proposal and haven't even attempted the web site. Every day there seems to be more and more that needs attention and one person just can't oversee let alone do, it all. Maybe I'm just feeling sorry for myself, but it would be nice to have someone to bounce ideas off and just plain talk to about things. I'm also getting sick and tired of throwing something together to eat, just because I must have sustenance. I know, I know, get over myself. Pull it together. Be thankful for what I have and get on with it. But its just a little down heartening to be plugging along and have what appears to be nothing to show for it. I know 'Rome wasn't built in a day', but a bit of cheering along and someone to share this with would make a world of difference. Nagging at me though is the thought "Why am I doing all this?". I don't need or particulary want scads of extra income and I've really not got anyone to leave it all to. I suppose its just that I see opportunities to somehow help and I'd certainly go completely bonkers if I had nothing to do. It erks me to no end knowing there others that could lead happy, meaningful, enlightening lives, but they're just too lazy, complacent, or self centred to get out of their own way. They'd much rather just drive around polluting the country side, complain about their lot and live off Government support. Certainly, it takes effort, work and maybe some aptitude to better yourself, but isn't that what life's all about? The world and our lives are full of opportunities if only we are willing to work toward and open our eyes to see them. Remember, 'God helps those that help themselves". I interpret this to mean the more we do, the more we receive in return. This doesn't mean one should work himself to death for the almighty dollar. I think it means the more we do, the more we receive back in different forms of benefits. Most certainly, I do and have done things because I've either wanted or needed the financial income, but there are and have been many things I've done just because I enjoy helping others and relish in the knowledge that in some small way maybe I've contributed some extra peace, joy and love to the world. Is serenity and happiness bad? I don't think so!

Ah, the rain has stopped and the sun is coming out. Please forgive the rantings above. I was being self absorbed, maybe the weather and the fact that I was poking through family heirlooms brought back old memories. I'm just feeling selfish and a bit lonely I suppose. Again I do apologise. Please, on to other things.

What a wonderful smell from outside, all freshness. I must get the camera out and take some pics later when things have dried. Yesterday evening Phillip and I put up the walls of the tool shed. It was just too hot during the day to do anything but menial tasks. All the plants are just bounding ahead. I swear, you can almost see things growing.Yesterday, or the day before I registered with 'Facebook'. Now I've got to figure out how to use it. See, this is one reason why I need someone else in attendance. I just don't have the knowledge, talent , or time to do all this technical stuff. But enough about that. I don't want to slip back into the Rant, also I must go and pick up some plastic containers to store the assorted loom, sewing, knitting items in. Maybe I'll get something to eat too? That usually makes me feel better. Sorry again for my outburst, but remember I am a man and we all know men aren't necessarily the sharpest tools in the drawer! LOL

Have a super day and think the positive. Best wishes and take care.

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