Thursday, July 5, 2007

Nice warm day

It was a nice warm day, but what little breeze came along was at times somewhat cool. I suppose there is probably ice offshore. I don't think too much was accomplished today, but I was able to repair some soaker hose and another length of regular water hose. I also began preparing the site for the tool/potting shed. I could have done more, but the heat really took what little good I had. Somewhere, or some time today I visited a saw mill and arranged for some slabs. These are the sides of logs that have been sawn off so the mill can make lumber out of the squared off remainder. I shall use the slabs as firewood. Maybe tomorrow I shall go and pick up a load or two. I should really go into the city though and try to dispose of some of the lettuce. I have much too much of it and can't get rid of it fast enough. Decided I will hire a contractor to do some of the house renovations. I just don't have the time or energy and the summer will be over before anything is accomplished. I really could use another pair of hands around this place! Must go wash some dishes and contemplate what to do with rhubarb.

Take care, think happy thoughts and talk to you soon.

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