Sunday, July 8, 2007

Where are the capelin?

The weather has cleared and today turned into a real summer day. I mowed the lawn, harvested some mesclun for neighbours, went to town for more floor leveller (more about this later)and ended up ordering new faucets for the bath tub, but I did get the floor stuff. Except for cooking and eating a meal, that's about all I did today. Yesterday (Saturday), Phillip came down and we began preparing the area for the new stove. The floor is not level and so we have to build it up at one end. Hence the floor leveller! This is cement like stuff that is kind of runny that finds it's own level and therefore sets smooth and level. I was going to mix the new stuff tomorrow and complete the job, but the neighbour (Rod) just called and asked if I could help him drill a well tomorrow. His assistant is unable to come in to work and a job is pending. As I have worked with Rod in the past it would be a real benefit if I could help him. Putting off doing the floor for 1 more day isn't going to make a difference, so why not? Anyway, they say "a change is as good as a rest" though drilling is back breaking work. Phillip and I also removed old carpet at his place last evening and night. Seems I'm not the only person doing renovations. Well enough said. Suppose I'd better go and get my gear ready for tomorrow. I wonder where I've stored my coveralls? Take care and enjoy the wonders nature offers us every day. Bye!

1 comment:

Stephen said...

Sorry I can't read this language, but I clicked on the 'English Link'as shown. It is an add for a t-shirt printer. Atleast I know someone sees the blog!